ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
Illustrateur Professionnel Freelance
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
FR : Une nouvelle épingle sur ma carte du monde ! Encore une fois, c’est à Budapest en Hongrie qu’une de mes encres illustre une affiche d’un groupe « indépendant » de capoeira angola.
ENG : A new pin on my world map ! Once again it is in Budapest, Hungary, that one of my paintings have been used to illustrate the flyers of an « independent » group of capoeira angola.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
[singlepic id=534 w=900 h=900 float=center]
FR : La petite encre du jour que vous pouvez utiliser gratuitement.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
[singlepic id=533 w=900 h=900 float=center]
FR : La petite encre du jour que vous pouvez utiliser gratuitement.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
FR : Voilà ce qui arrive quand un illustrateur dessine de la capoeira en écoutant FUMUJ.Avec un « big up » à mon ami Mega2000 et son excellent tumblr bourré de pépites sonores.
ENG : Here is what happens when an illustrator draws and listen FUMUJ at the same time. With a « big up » to my friend Mega2000 and his excellent tumblr full of good sound.
Made with Inkscape and Mypaint. ;)
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
ENG : New daily watercolor painting that you can use for free.
FR : La petite illustration du jour que vous pouvez utiliser gratuitement.
ENG : New daily digital painting that you can use for free.
FR : La petite illustration du jour que vous pouvez utiliser gratuitement.
ENG : New daily digital painting that you can use for free.