Hommage à Contramestre Enxu – Tribute to Contramestre Enxu

Contramestre Enxu of Capoeira Malandragem - Tucson Arizona
Contramestre Enxu of Capoeira Malandragem – Tucson Arizona

Fr : Voici un portrait du défunt Contramestre Enxu, réalisé à la demande de Professor Besouro du groupe capoeira Malandragem UCA Tucson.

Eng : Here is a portrait of the late Contramestre Enxu, requested by Professor Besouro from the Capoeira  malandragem UCA Tucson group.

Creative Commons License
Hommage à Contramestre Enxu – Tribute to Contramestre Enxu by Alexandre Guillaume is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International


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