Hello everyone !
I’ve received, recently, many messages asking me the right to use some of my pictures, especially those related to capoeira.
As a former capoeira practitioner myself, I believe strongly in the philosophy of sharing. In that case, if it is for a non profit use (poster for a workshop, print for a Batizado tee shirt, etc.) and the respect of the art of capoeira, you have my blessing to use them.
If you want to check and download the images, please visit the blog’s gallery :

Please note that I am only referring to the capoeira illustrations; other images on this blog are owned by clients and are not available for use.
In return, I kindly ask you to do two things:
*send me a thank you message so I can see how far my pictures travel.
* to include the following mentions if possible :
designed by Alexandre Guillaume from www.alex-illustrateur.net licenced under CC-BY-NC-ND
Or, if you have made modifications :
based on a work by Alexandre Guillaume from www.alex-illustrateur.net licenced under CC-BY-NC-ND
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Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you for supporting my work!
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